
My Clients

Gitana Piscikiene

“With coaching I realised that I was giving the power away. I was waiting for permission and by waiting I was making myself small. Kshama made me realise that I have to first take the action, and then the fear will disappear.”

Namrata Singhi Agarwal

“Kshama helped me identify my vision & goals. I was pleasantly surprised at how quickly & easily I am able to manifest the things I want in life. Gives me the enthusiasm everyday when I wake up.”

Louise Oliver

“I must admit that I was skeptical about how coaching could help me. But my sessions have completely changed my outlook and literally transformed my life in just 12 weeks. I feel more calm, confident, resilient and content with my life.”


“I am being present to the different approach and analysis of the answers to the common questions I always asked myself and I believed I knew all about them. I feel challenged, the conversations are opening all new scenario never thought before. I recommend life coaching to anyone as it pushes your personal boundaries and gives you more knowledge about self.”

Nameeta Jagtiani

“I feel like in every session we uncover a new blind spot. It’s amazing that even with so much self-reflection and investment in growth, you can still not realize your limiting beliefs – until you work with someone like Kshama!”

Natasha James

“I am happy that Kshama and I got talking about things in my life that were accounting to negative feelings and low self-worth. She helped me sort through the clutter of emotions and manoeuvre my way to positive goals towards my work and relationship. She helped me identify patterns and become aware ideas that are self barring…some of them root their way in childhood, doing no good. I could feel the texture of my day changing as I began to follow a positive morning routine.”